Somehow skating rink proposals are becoming my thing. And honestly, I'm here for it! I've captured Jessica & Jonathan's proposal at Evergreen Brickworks skating rink some time ago and always cherished that shoot. So, when I got the opportunity to do the same (but slightly different) for Calum and Serene, I almost jumped.

Their proposal happened right before Christmas - a very busy time for everyone. But they came to the rink where it all started - at their alma mater. University of Toronto's Varsity Center was empty (strategically rented out by Calum's mother), so they started skating around, passing the puck back and forth like it's just a regular Saturday.

Music started playing, and, after a few songs, Calum called Serene to the center of the rink. He took out a few pucks from his pocket and asked Serene to shoot them. The very last one in his hands was special. Inside of it, a ring was hiding.

Calum went down on one knee to see what was "wrong" with the puck. After a second, it all became clear - he was asking Serene to marry him.

All this time I was hiding at the very last row of the bleachers, trying not to be too obvious, not to get consumed by emotions, and, honestly, not to freeze. But boy was it worth it!

I gave them a few moments before coming down to the ice to meet them. Turns out, Serene didn't even notice me - mission accomplished!

Calum's surprises didn't end there. After skating around for a few minutes, Calum said he wanted to continue the photoshoot in the dressing room. Serene shrugged and followed him.

In the dressing room, Calum asked Serene to sit down on the bench and close her eyes. Then...he pulled back the shower curtain. At that point, I joked: "Should I present for this?"

But Calum wasn't taking a shower. He took out a bouquet of white roses - Serene's favourite flowers. Then, he gifted her a set of rubber ducks for her collection. They were, of course, dressed as a groom and a bride. Finally, he took out a set of Maple Leafs jerseys with Mr. and Mrs. Slapnicar written at the back - their new titles.

Serene, naturally, was crying, laughing and completely overtaken by emotions. Truly a photographer's dream!

We took a few more pictures in the dressing room and went back to the rink to capture them skating in their new attire.

Calum had a special request - he asked me to share a few raw images with him the same day. They were going to an engagement dinner right after, and he wanted to print and display a photo there. I, of course, sent him a few pictures right away.

I'm thrilled to share the full gallery here now. This was a very special day I got to capture for this wonderful couple. I can't wait to see what's next for them! Until then, enjoy these proposal photos.